You better buy a copy of Grand Theft Auto 4 Now!

That's fucking America for you. We can own all the guns we want, but when it comes to driving drunk in a virtual game, it's the end of the world.

STFU Boosie, mommy and daddy probably wouldn't get it for you.
MADD are stupid cunts, apparently. Nothing will happen, except GTA will just end up having more people hear about it. lol.
Funny. When you drive drunk, the police come after you. The mothers didnt know that did they. Or the fact that when your drunk in the game, a majority of the time you go hail cab to take you places. This is what happens when vagina steps out the kitchen. Bullshit.
Fuck them.. its the mothers fault if they get this game for their kids anyways.. there the ones to blame if they catch there kids doing something they saw in a game that there mom bought them.
Tell the god damn mothers to play the game, and they will be so addicted and see how fun it is, thay they wont give a shit :maybedodgy:
It's a game. The other Grand Theft Auto games were fine and this happened too.

People need to find better things to do with their time though. The moms should just ignore the game! :idea:
All I know is this. You're supposed to be 18 to even be able to buy the game.

If you're buying the game for your kid; you're a bad parent.
yea no shit there kids should be 17+ to play it... maybe parents should read the label and not buy there 10 year old it :eek:

fuck i hate 10 year olds on xbox live...