You are the President...


Apr 9, 2008
There is a ton of debates about Bush and his politics but people always forget to say what they would do...

So if you were elected President in 2006 what would you do about the big issues(economics, safety of the U.S, Iran, NK, illegal immigration etc...)(I know it isn't until 08 but we have no idea what will happen in such a long period of time, the world cam change drastically in a matter of seconds as we all know from 9/11).

This is not meant to be a debate, I don't want anyone attacking someone elses ideas...if there is a flaw in their idea simply point it out in a constructive manner as opposed to saying "Your a moron, go jump off a bridge" or "Your even worse than Bush blah blah"

My ideas, not a ton of thought put into them so there will of course be problems with them.

National Security-
-Increase Military Budget with a large focus on R&D of common sense ideas, as opposed to building a very expensive waste of time
-Institute a standard of thriftiness, no more toilet seats for 800$(example)
-Drastically change the military academies, or set up a new one... There would be huge focus on effective and adaptive military strategy where results are what matters...We should be able to outsmart and outstrategize(is that a word) the enemy as opposed to following traditional military strategy in which we get killed.
-Set up new international agreements to replace the old Geneva Conventions and the like(they are way outdated)
-Ensure our soldiers have everything they need to succeed, no more sending them into battle half-armed.
-Establish a board of retired military coofftopicndeers electe by popular vote from others who have or are currently serving in the military. They will be an advisory council seperate from the government but still listened to....That way they can tell the American Public and the government if they are messing up and how to fix it.
-Increase recruitment, we can always use more soldiers
-Search incoming ships/containers as much as possible
-Copy the Israeli's tools of combating terrorism, an example would be their airplane security. Not suggesting we become a bigger Israel simply that we take what Israel has found to be effective and see if it would work for us

Illegal Immigration-
-Crack down on the Mexican Government, they are encouraging it and that is unacceptable
-Change the 14th amendment so everyone born in the U.S is not a citizen, this leads to people illegally entering the U.S having a child and then exploiting the amendment
-Punish corporations for employiing illegal immigrants...Make it so it is no longer cost effective, if there are no jobs in the U.S for ilelgal immigrants then they will no longer come
-Speed up Legal immigration, good citizens of other countries should be allowed to enter the U.S legally as opposed to waiting in line for dozens of years
-Illegals no longer get free medical treatment unless in case of an emergency in which we bill the country they immigrated from..unless those countries are complying with anti-illegal immigration polices.
-Build an effective border fence designed by actual experts who know what they are doing, if necessary the use of landmines in a "no mans land" in between two groups of fencing..the closest fence to the border will let everyone know landmines are past it.
-Have a national illegal immigration "registration", they need to prove they are good hard working citizens with plenty of references to back it up, take a lie detector test to prove they are not anti-american or criminals. Everyone will be fingerprinted, and have background checks. Those that "pass" all of this will be given a probational citizenship in which after 5 years of lawful behaviour will be replaced with permanent citizenship
-Those who become probational citizens will have to pay a fee which will go towards paying for border security(they will be able to pay as they will now be getting at least minimum wage as opposed to exploitative wages)
-English will become the national language, every child will learn it, Spanish and other languages will be relegated to secondary languages.

-Establish a panel of economic experts that would be in charge of advising the government on stabalizing and ensuring the good health of the American economy which I would listen to and try to follow as best I could.

Limited Ideas as I am no economic expert

General Changes-
- Crack down on Congressional/related spending they waste to much of the taxpayers money
- Crack down on corruption amongst the government, no more taking bribes
- Regulate the lobbying business, McDonalds and Exxon Mobil should not have a bigger say than the average American. They should have a voice but they have been allowed a far to big voice.
-Legalize recreational drugs, marijuana is not a danger to health

Public Education-
- Increase budgets of public education, I know the effects personally as Minnesota has been cutting the school budgets annually and I have seen what it does
- Revamp the system, it doesn't work in general and is ineffective. We need to copy what other countries do since they consistantly "beat" us educational wise.
-Make higher education cheaper, a child should be allowed to go to college even if he cannot pay for it himself. Poor kids should always have the choice of college even if they cannot afford it themselves.
-Get rid of affirmative action, it is only hurting. Instead of discriminating as a means of "fixing" past discrimination we should get rid of it altogether. Your race should not have any matter in getting accepted to a college, nor should your sexuality, parents, background etc...

-Do what it takes to place that country in the best position to recover, fix their economy and infrastructure while supporting non-discriminatory groups.
-Do what it takes to set up a government able to operate without needing the U.S daily.
-Get a large amount of the force there out, send them back to Afghanistan where the Taliban are resurging.
-Improve civil rights, tell women if they are ever going to stand up for themselves then now is the time...if they do then support them and if they do not them give up because you cannot force someone to accept freedom

-Kick Russia in the rear and make them stop aiding Iran
-Let the Iranian people know we don't care if they have nucleur energy we just do not want them to have a nucleur bomb for obvious reasons..Say it clearly as well, tell them in no uncertain terms we will not allow a country that calls us the "great satan" to get a nuke, we don't care what they use as power but they can not have a bomb

North Korea-
-Continue doing what we are doing, they are starving themselves to death and that is great for us.
-Put a nuke right next to the and let the world know that if NK nukes us we are willing to nuke them right back...and by world I mean the NK population as well. I would want them to know with 100% certainty that if they attack us we will demolish them.

Genocides in Africa-
-Here is where I would use my military force, I would go into those countries like Sudan and set up safety zones in which refugees can come if they need to
-Take out those committing the genocides, I wouldn't attempt to set up a government as that will come when the peopel want it. I would just kill anyone in power who decides to kill hundreds of thousands of innocents.
-Set up areas where starving people can come to get food and water
-Set up a few schools in which children can learn and help themselves

- I would get a group of scientists together and ask them why they are taking so long. They need to act more urgently, because every second they waste people are dying.
-Make sure money is not an issue, I imagine it is not since they are flooded with money...How much money does it take to find a cure?

Thats all I have so far, what would you do?(Cannot believe I just typed that much.
What is "common sense" ? What is "waste" ? Everybody has their own definitions.

The money goes to "black ops," dude. They didn't really buy a seat for $800. they bought a seat for $20 and spent $780 on some spy operation that we didn't want Russia or China or whoever to know about.

I'm afraid that "Join the Army so that you can die in Iraq!" isn't very appealing to me.

What does "as much as possible" mean? And aren't people already searching them "as much as possible" ?

How then would a person become a U.S. citizen? "Everyone born here is not a citizen" kinda sorta eliminates everyone, don't you think?

I have forgotten why we don't want them in. Why don't we want them in?

We have this already. It's the Federal Reserve Board.

What does "crack down" mean? Every politician says it. What does it mean?

You're pro drugs, but pro borders? What kind of Libertarian is that?

Be more specific: increase teachers' pay. The teachers need more pay. The budget is otherwise fine. Just the pay.


Iran doesn't care what we think. We're Satan.

Adopt the Libertarian Platform.
Then revisit the situation after a few years, and see if we aren't better off.
We'll be better off.
True enough, I would put in place some type of observatory board that had actual power to make changes or would recommend changes to me and I would follow through.

An example would be Medicare, last I checked(may have been addressed) they paid up to 8 times more than other federal agencies for the same drugs.

Fair enough..To a point though..

I would get rid of "no-bid contracts" like Haliburton recieved which paid them 2.41 billion. The Pentagon found $250 million of those charges to be either excessive or simply unjustifiable....

Fuel transportation costs under that no-bid contract were triple what other companies asked for...

Another example would be the national debt, I believe in 05 the government spent 350 billion paying interest on our debt..We can't keep borrowing money..

I also would get rid of the IRS and look into an alternative, like the proposed national flat sales tax.

People are willing to risk their lives, they are just not willing to risk their lives for the same amount of money they could make working at Sears.

Just to clarify, by "as much as possible" I mean as much as physically possible..We don't search them as much as we can, last I checked it was something like 2% of all containers were searched. I would do what I could to find a way of searching as many of them as I could without stopping all commerce. Obviously inspecting all of them is not feasible but at least search every ship for radioactivity or explosives.

Either born to a U.S citizen or through immigration...

I am talking about the illegal immigrants who sneak across the border and have a child just so that child becomes a citizen.

They are a drain on healthcare and federal government programs, we have no idea if they are criminals or not, we have no idea what they are bringing with them. The way things are right now Bin Laden and his pals could stroll right into the U.S with a nuke.

Either they are not doing their job or no one is listening to them. Our economy is not very strong, a very large percentage of the population is deep in debt and massive amounts of jobs are being lost only to be replaced with lower paying jobs. Not to say the government should control people getting a job simply that they should figure a way out to replace jobs being sent overseas with something other than McDonald clerks.

Congressional accountability, what happened to Tom Delay was a good example although I would prefer he be investigated much more throughly and charged with criminal acts as opposed to simply allowing him to resign.

I don't think Joe Schmoe smoking dope is a national problem.

I do think criminals entering the U.S, illegal immigrants taking advantage of social programs meant for citizens causing a massive drain on the infrastructure and the potential of terrorists entering the U.S is a problem.

Teachers do need to get paid more...

But that is not all, at my school specifically kids are charged to print off research, teachers run out of supplies and are forced to pay for them on their own(mother is a teacher so I know how much she pays). I remember teachers not having any paper to print off new homework assignments and having to use old ones, teachers losing their jobs(think nezrly 100 have lost their jobs in my town alone which is only made of maybe 90,000 people).

On the same tangent I would get rid of homework as we know it, there is no evidence it has a benefit and recent studies have shown it is ineffective and a waste of time.

Quit giving them political and finacial aid unless they agree to stop aiding Iran.

We have allied ourselves with Russia, and yet they are aiding Iran who is our enemy.

It's time we stop being allies with countries and allowing them to do as they please...if you want to be our ally then you have to be willing to help us in return.

A lot do think we are Satan, but not all of them.

Not to mention we cannot simply write off an entire country and assume they will always hate us...we should do what we can to change their opinions as opposed to simply writing them off(not saying we should bend over backwards to please them)

Simple, I should have said that post sounds like I am actually running for President.
Yeah lets put landmines on the border with Mexico.

Yes, let's force Americans to be monolinguistic.

Boy this says a lot.... most of it laughable.
If I was president of America, I'd make clothes for women illegal. All ugly women would be deported, and our national anthem would change according to the hard trance charts .

I'd probably stop bombing and invading random countries aswell, just a thought...
Sounds more like you're running for emperor than president.

And what's the fun of being emperor if you can't bomb someone every now and then.
I'd throw out the foreign policy the US has been using for 60 odd years and try something new, like obeying international law, or not undermining the UN, or actually introducing and enforcing just sytems of international trade instead of using the WTO to make poor countries even poorer by making their protection policies illegal and then not reciprocating (apparently its only okay for rich countries to protect their economies). I would then abolish the US's territorial borders and the US military, and then lay my country at the feet of the new world order and beg forgiveness for half a century of @#$%ing everything up. But hey, that's just me.
...and on the border with Canada, eh.

Nah, let's just be monosyllabic, no words of more then a single syllable.
Why not...Mexican leaders have openly said they are in the act of retaking the southern U.S for Mexico...Mexican soldiers have on multiple occasions escorted illegal immigrants and drug traffickers into the U.S going so far as to exchange fire with the Border Patrol...

*Illegal Immigrants cost California alone over 10 billion dollars..
* One in every twelve people breaking into America has a criminal record.
* By 2050, there will be 100 million Hispanics concentrated in the U.S. Southwest.
* Between 10 and 20 percent of all Mexicans, Central Americans and people of the Caribbean have already moved to the United States.
* Every month, the U.S. Border Patrol apprehends more illegal aliens breaking into our country, 150,000, than the number of troops we have in Iraq.

I don't care if you are bilingual, but English must be the official language..Just look north at Canada to see why.

Glad I amused you...really I am.
hell lets just bomb the mexican's on their own their own turf.

maybe we need a pre-emptive strike.
I would be satisfied with simply defending ourselves, no need for a pre-emptive strike.
Sure, Canada is not exactly the picture of unity. The various territories are so different, it is hard to remember they are all in the same country.