You are all going to die


Rand, I swear to you I was just about to write the EXACT SAME THING - darned near word for word.

Get outa my head man... I can not be held responsible for what lurks up there...
For me, if not for the rainy days I'd have no point of reference to appreciate the sunny days, if not for the sad days I would not be able to appreciate the good days. You should embrace the sad times as you would the glad times because the deeper the sadness the richer the happiness.

I realize my life will end. I didn't exactly need to be REMINDED of it here, lol, but never the less, it is true. Yet, to live as though I'm dying would alter my appreciation for those long, lazy days and nights where you actually get a moment to hear yourself think - few and far between though they may be.

If I live my life as though there is a stop watch ticking away behind me I wont let myself take time to post here, or to be online at all. I wont take time to make idle chit-chat with an old friend, where your words say little but the time spent speaks volumes.

I say live your life like you have an all day pass to your favorite amusement park. Take the lines in stride, enjoy your moments on the rides, pause to watch a clown make a balloon pony, eat too much but walk it off and don't fixate on your wrist mounted time piece counting the minutes til you have to leave. The time to leave will be all too obvious. Until then, enjoy the day.
When I was 21 I said 'Carpe Diem'

Now I'm 41 I say 'Keep your faith in god, but keep your powder dry'
I like this balance. I've had a death of someone incredibly dear to me, and I am constantly referencing this in relation to my own mortality. but even here, the saying everything in moderation' works pretty well.

Everyone says carpe diem. I highly doubt the majority of people live by it.
I don't know about everybody else, but I'm not going to die. I'm just going to keep living. :)
Rather than seize the day I prefer live in the moment. Going through a divorce with an alcoholic wife and attending al-anon has taught me a lot about letting go of the past, not fussing about the future and living in the moment. It's got me back into my meditation and stuff again.
How boring. And heart wrenching immortality would be - until you stopped caring. No thanks man. Heck I dont even want to get a whole lot OLDER! I want to drop like a rock right in the middle of the thing I love doing most in life.... buying red meat at the grocery store.
As I ventured through the great Forums of the MAP I sat depressed in my office chair wondering what the point of everything is. I began to fall into depression at the pointlessness of it all and then I saw "You are all going to die" pop up on the Home Page of MAP. Misery at the realization struck me. I clicked on the link only to find the best advice ever given to any man . . . . . to do what you do between now and then.

If I hadn't come to MAP to receive this message I would be coked up and ready for my next trip on acid before I blew my brains out. Thank you Mark Ninja, for your words of wisdom, your realization and message that can only be found on MAP is the only post in any thread on any forum in the ENTIRE world that could have saved me.