You are all going to die


Feb 26, 2008
You are all going to die.
All that matters is what you do between now and then.
I hope this message makes everyone here do the very best they can in life, and serves as inspiration to follow your dreams.
The late Brandon Lee, son of Bruce Lee, quoted from Paul Bowel's book "The Sheltering Sky" prior to his death this passage which was subsequently written on his tombstone:

"Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. And yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four, or five times more? Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless..."
Your exactly right,and I live in the moment.

I have been passed down some family heirlooms,that were meaningful and had sentimental value to relatives of mine,I am trying to find a buyer as we speak, because what if you die and never benefited from what they were worth,and some stranger gets them.

So many people can sell there parents or grandparents or realtives things, but they just keep them and they lose value and gather dust
If I were to die tonight...

the only thing I'd regret is not being able to grow a beard
There are very few things I hold on to as my life progresses towards its inevitable end. This might sound dramatic as I am only 22, but the blur that was my childhood and early teens seems like yesterday, and soon (if I make it to my thirties) I'll be looking back to my twenties wondering what the heck happened. I hold on to the things that stir something that moved me deeply, whether it is a piece of jewelry from my ex-girlfriend that I wore in a moment of pure happiness, or my father's worn smoking pipe that still has the lingering scent of tobacco in its bowl.

If they're gone for whatever reason, I wouldn't shed a tear. What I hold in my heart for those moments is all that matters in the end.
Well dude, by starting this thread you wasted precious minutes of your life that you ain't getting back.

Hope it was worth it.
I'd like to chime in and say something about YOLO, or the more common version I've been hearing in Spain for very, very long, the good old "Carpe Diem".

I think people misunderstand them both and think you should make every day a rollercoaster of emotions. YOLO and Carpe Diem mean something different for me. It means I should enjoy every moment, regardless of what that moment actually is. Learning to enjoy the crap parts, rather than avoid them and making my life a constant party, disregarding my future.
You're all going to die. But you never know when. Could be in 50 years. Could be in 50 minutes.

SO WATCH YOUR BACK. No time for having fun. Survival is the word of the day.
