Yeast Infection/vaginal infection question HELP?


New member
Nov 24, 2008
ok, so, about a month ago, a week before my period, i started having this terrible vaginal itch. it lasted for a few days before i got into a doctor (it was a general doctor not a gyno) who did not seem concerned and just said to come back in if the symptoms continued. my period started a couple days later and it went away. however, a week ago it came back. the itching wasnt quite as bad but still considerable, along with redness, soreness including the clitoris. there was not really a discharge, as in nothing left on my clothes etc. but there was a little white if i placed my fingers inside, and on the one day when my clitoris was sore there was some white stuff, like particles of paper or like toilet paper under the hood. i went to the docto rand she did a swab test and sent it to the lab and i am now waiting for the results. my period starts tomorrow (i am on the pill so i know) and at the moment i have no symptoms. so, first of all does this sound like a yeast infection and second of all is it normal for an untreated yeast infection to go away and then come back again. also if so, what are the chances that it will keep coming back or will it most likely go away for good if properly treated finally?
