Yeah! A New Moon question!?


May 13, 2008
So i just saw it tonight. Does anyone else think that the girl who plays Bella (ugh whats her name!?!) is a terrible actress? she does that weird twitchy thing with her face and she looks like she cant get her words out. Maybe she is acting? whatever it is i cant stand it! i just want to slap her in the face and yell 'say what your going to say already'! For real, like 10 minutes of the movie could have been saved if she would stop twitching and speak like a normal person!. So the question is... does anyone feel the same???
This sh!t would be more famous then the 2012 questions mark my words.
Besides, Twilight sucks.
i do also, her portrayal of bella is terrible. bella is delicate and fragile in the book but in the movie kristen stewart portrays her as a lot fiercer and angrier! her voice is so deep and is a monotone, this causes her to lose a lot of the qualities that edward really falls for in the book! she's a little bit snobbish also in the first movie especially toward her father and school mates! i was very upset with her being cast as bella. her acting though did improve slightly in new moon compared to twilight!
Kristen Stewart! Duh! And she isn't a bad actress. Thats just how she portrays Bella. You should rent a film she does called The Cake Eaters. It's a little indie film she did about a year ago, and she is truely an amazing actress in it.
I do!!! I do!!!! I totally agree with you! Kristen Stewart (Bella) is in fact a bad actress. When I saw her on david letterman last year promoting Twilight, she was acting the same! Flipping her hair from one side to another and back, blinking and twitching waaaaaaaay too much, and just being annoying. She acts like this in every movie she stars in! She is always cast as the poor, shy girl that is different and doesn't fit in because that's all she knows how to do! An actor/actress should be able to convince the audience that they are not themselves but in fact the character in the movie. She just acts as herself and she isn't convincing us that she is bella! She is like that in Panic Room, too! I really wish they would change her, but that's not gonna happen...
Her name is Kristen Stewart

Hmmm... I never noticed the twitching before, but now that you say it... YEAH okay

I didn't think it was that bad, but I'm like an obsessed twitard
Bella is kind of like described as an insecure semi antisocial person in the book, and most girls hated her to begin with, but Twilight is actually good if you'll pay attention to the story, it's not an action movie, it's a different kind of love story

I don't really like Kristen Steweart, but who am I to judge her?

And as much as a lot of people hated this movie, it appealed to a lot of it's target audience and fans : teenage girls
I agree. I do not like her acting! but I wouldn't say she was terrible. I just don't like her style