WTF??? Lucky Charms FTL


May 19, 2008
Does anyone else have this problem? You get a fresh box of lucky charms:


and you open it up and get all excited to find a bag full of marshmallows and wonders:


you pour yourself a massive bowl, and put a whole bunch of of milk in it:


so you devour your bowl of Lucky Charms and as the amount of cereal decreases, the amount of marshmallows exponentially decreases(to the 10th power if you really want to know). By the time your almost done, you end up with a bowl of cheerios with a shitty, puke colored milk. GRRR:mad: WHY???

tl/dr: I had me some lucky charms and they was mighty good
"lucky charms" and "ftl" do not belong in the same sentence.

^this sentence is the one exception
lol, as do i

I cant. They look so god damn delicious sitting there:(

I know. I find it highly upsetting :(
Back in the day I used to go through the box and pick out like half a bowl of marshmellows and then just dump some from the box.
Na man you got it all wrong. You eat the Cheerios first while they are crunchy, do it quick and the Marshmellows aren't mushy. Then you have a tastey treat of marshmellows and milk.
yea, but i like to enjoy it as a whole, and not have to rush. Its a lose lose situations so you know what. Fuck lucky charms!