Write a letter about your trip to a friend?


New member
Nov 11, 2008
it can refer to anything, i just want to see an example. Could be 50 words or more doesn't matter.
Searching, searching, looking everywhere. I have the address but I can't seem to zero in on the exact place. All these long dusty roads look the same and where did all the houses go. Man, am I in the country or what? Surprised is not the word for it when I received this letter from a friend I went to school with in the 5th grade. She NEEDS to see me. How in the world did she locate me, I have her address and I can't find her. Wait, maybe this is it, at least it's a house. Yes! I see the almost faded number on the old rickety mailbox. As I pull in the rough driveway I actually feel a little nervous. She NEEDS to see me. Not I’d like to see you, but NEEDS. Around the corner of the old house come three bloodhounds. They look friendly enough so I step out of my car and head to the front door.
Can't tell you how wonderful Costa Rica was. The howler monkeys were supreme alarm clocks. We had no telephone, no TV, no AC. It was total isolation from the plugged-in world. Our trips and walks let us see iguanas, blue jeans frogs, Jesus Christ lizards, and more amazing birds that I could ever describe. You should go...go to the most remote place you can find there. I have to recommend Tortuguero National Park Ask for Miguel. What a sweetheart and fabulous guide. Enjoy!!
u should write like this....

Hi name,
how's everything with u? i hope u would have good time... for me, i went to queensland last week.... i really went to go there and so much fun... well, this is a kind of family holiday.. we went to there by plane... jetstar.. guess what? as soon as we reached there, we rested about 1 hr had lunch and then went to the beach.... we went to every beautiful place in queensland.. we stayed there about 2 weeks .. i felt i really like it and want to stay there.... as a short ., this holiday is great for me.. i can't forget it ever..
how about u ? what u doing now? do u have good time? well, if u free just write a letter to me....
