Would your parent care if you barely ate anything? +vent?


Jun 16, 2008
Would they even notice?
When do you think they wouldn't care, like do you think they wouldn't care if you were a certain age?
Do your parents have healthy food in the house and try and look out for your health?

Thanx for answering.

My vent:
I'm asking because my parents recently stopped buying me food, they still get their food, their food consists of complete junk and they don't care- drinks are 5% real juice and coke, snacks are crisps chocolate and other junk and food consists of noodles and other frozen rubbish and no fruit at all.
It's a complicated issue i am not asking for advice on but just wanted to give info on to explain why i am asking, because over the last 6 month i have become seriously underweight and my parents laugh it off, that was a few months back am not too afraid to look on the scales, i haven't eaten healthily for months and i am really deficient and i've probably eaten a days worth of food in a week for the past 6 months. Most people would be like get a job and buy your own food e.t.c but i can't it's complicated. But my parents don't care at all and it's like they are waiting for me to drop so they can pass me on to someone else and not take any blame or act them selves, it's really obvious i barely eat..they don't care :(