Would you suggest a Canon Rebel XS for a "newbie"?


New member
Mar 4, 2011
I've been interested in photography for a long time now and at the moment have a Fujifilm FinePix s1800. I really want to take a step up and get a DSLR.
I want something that's fairly simple to use and cheap but worth buying. By "Cheap" I mean $479.00...(Unfortunately, as far as my knowledge of DSLR's goes, that's a great price!)
Do you think this is a good camera?
And also, if you can, please suggest a few cheap lenses to go along with the 18-55mm lens it comes with. Preferably a macro (Micro?) lens.
Thanks to all who take that time to answer this.
Sorry the link isn't click-able....Copy and paste works :)
Yes, that is a good starter DSLR. Use the kit lens for at least a year before you spend money on other lenses. Macro lenses are specialized pieces of equipment which means none of them are cheap. The cheapest true macro for that camera would be the Canon EF-s 60mm macro. It costs around $400.
It would be a great camera! You can get it for $447 here: in http://www.diymicro.com/Canon_EOS_Rebel_XS_w_18_55_IS_SLR_Digital_Camera_K_p/canxskit.htm

http://www.amazon.com/Canon-50mm-1-8-Camera-Lens/dp/B00007E7JU/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1299207597&sr=1-1 Get this lens with it if you can also afford it.
Hell yea man, that's an awesome camera. Sorry but I have no recommendations.
I happen to own one and yes I would. I've had mine for over a year and I've had excellent results with it.