Would you get in to a time machine and go 500 years into the future and tell the

Oct 13, 2008
people there? that you KNOW evolution and the big bang happened?

Imagine the scientist of the pre-Gallileo era doing the same thing and coming and telling you about the earth being the center of the universe and being flat.

Should you be so very cocksure that you know what you THINK you know.....or should you keep an open mind and not be so very dogmatic?

and before you go there, we are talking NATURAL things....not supernatural. Physical things and not Spiritual Things

As a Christian....it is faith that allows me to be dogmatic in spiritual things, But there is no such allowance for things that can be perceived by the senses....is there?

Or is science really just another religion?
yet another forlorn attempt to get those who espouse logic and reason....to use logic and reason
No. I would research.

“As a Christian....it is faith that allows me to be dogmatic in spiritual things…”

Your faith also allows you to be a moron. You would not know logic if it pulled your head out of the spiritual sand and smacked you across the face with reality. All you would do is thrust your head back into the sand.
No i would go back in time for would it not be better to prevent the mistakes made in the past that still impact on Society today. Then go into the future because with the population growing as it is there will likely be no future because it is unsustainable
No. Science is not a religion. Science is based on facts, theories, and hypothesis that 'evolve' over time the more we discover.

Religion starts out with a dogma, then tries to rearrange the facts to make it fit.

In Genesis, it say the Earth was created in six days. Six literal days, you really have to stretch it for it to be allegory. It also lists the successive offspring of Adam and how long they lived. Lots of '40 years' things in the Bible you say was a generation and telescope it a bit, but not the exact ages of those early patriarchs.

That all points to a world far younger than what we can see with our eyes. Go look at the Andromeda galaxy and see 2.5 million years into the past. We've determined the distance by measuring the speed of light and the properties of Cephid variables (stars with specific characteristics that allow us to accurately determine their distance).

Now, you could say that God just created all of this to be like that, because he could create the universe any way he wanted to. But why? Why would he take the time to BS us like that? Why would he tell us to ignore what we can see with our own eyes and believe a book, full or errors and entirely smacking of the scientific knowledge they had in the days of Moses.
Time travel isn't possible -- so no, I wouldn't.

Evolution is an observed fact. And the theory that explains how it works is shown correct by hundreds of millions of pieces of verified evidence. That's not "cocksure," it's a fact. Evidence confirms it.

You're "cocksure" about your god, yet have no evidence of any kind to confirm it. See the difference?

Evolution happened 100%. There is no doubt. What can be contested are a few of the smaller details of the how. Note smaller details.

Expansion happened 100%. Of that there is no doubt. Again, it's the details that can be contested.

I hope beyond all hope that in 500 years the myth of Christianity will be known as just that.
If I went into the future and told them all about what we think now and they proved my wrong with loads of other theories and facts I would be simply delighted to find all the new information and would soak it up like a sponge to water.
i was once a science believer like many on here, it took a while to gain an open mind , science can be just a fanatic , just look at the nonsense regarding "global warming"
The difference is that we can test our hypotheses - they didn't do that back 500 years ago that much. "Fact" back then were made up often by hysterical religious fanatics with only half a brain.
The Big Bang Theory and evolution are supported by extensive data. Faith is just the excuse that religious people give each other for believing ideas that are not rational.

There's no reliable evidence for God/Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Zeus, Thor, or any of the thousands of other gods that people have worshiped. If any of the major gods existed, there would be reliable evidence. Since no such evidence exists, these gods do not exist. There's also extensive evidence that they are all just myths, created to help soothe our fear of death, and perpetuated through religion to subjugate the underclass into obedience.

Science is the use of evidence to construct testable explanations and predictions of natural phenomena, as well as the knowledge generated through this process.

See the 1st link, "Andy Thomson: Why We Believe in Gods."
I just love christians who hate science....unless it can save their lives. After all, you don't have to believe in it for it to work....