would you get a blue ray player if ur plasma or lcd is a 1080 ?


May 23, 2008
would it do anything and why cany you play older dvds on a blue ray ?
I have a ''764 resalution'' 42 inch plasma
Blu Ray players will play older DVD's in addition to Blu Rays. You just can't play Blu Ray DVD's on an older non-Blu Ray player.

With their recent drop in price, I would recommend a Blu Ray player for any 1080p television, IF you have a good quality HDMI cable.
YES! I love watching movies and used to think it wouldn't make much difference since the TV is already pretty good. But since the prices just dropped to where I could afford the Blu-Ray I bought myself one for Christmas. I couldn't wait so I plugged it in. The picture was amazing! I watched anything from Disney Snow White to Transformers on it and it all looked better than on the regular DVD Player. Some were even regular DVDs (sissy girly movies w/ no special effects included) and not Blu-ray disc (The blu-ray player is supposed to up-convert). If you decide to get one make sure you use the HDMI cable and not the "colored" cables because I think this is what makes the difference. Also make sure the player you buy has an ethernet port for DSL I myself haven't tried this feature but I heard its pretty cool, plus your player wont become outdated as fast.