Would you date someone you met on a dating site?


New member
Apr 20, 2008
Have people on here dated from a dating site? I somehow haven't had much luck meeting good girls the traditional way -- I mean the girls you meet a club are good lays, but not dating material. And any girl that I have had a crush on has either not been interested in me or has played games with me and tortured me endlessly. Not sure why, I'm a good looking guy with an enviable career, funny, and most people are amazed that I'm still single. I had this big crush on a girl at grad school, she had a BF in another city, and we used to flirt like crazy, she even rubbed up on me on the dance floor at a party and said things like I'd like to get to know you, but turns out she's just craving attention while her BF is away. She doesn't seem like good dating material. I've met a few girls on dating sites and recently met this one girl who seems intelligent and just chilled out. I mean, things are not difficult when I talk to her. I can just be. She's hot too. Has anyone dated from a dating site?