Would you classify atheism as a religion?

As bald is not a hair colour,

Atheism is not a religion.

But you want atheists to keep quiet so you can have free riegn to spread your lies.

We are not going to allow you to rule our lives like that.
No, atheism is not a religion, it's a single belief. I don't actively try to spread it, but I would like it to spread, for the simple reason that unlike the superstition that is accepted on faith by millions of people, my beliefs are actually founded on facts and are actually true.
And my understanding of your argument is that the fact that there are babies means that god made everything? Seriously? I have a child myself, and he's adorable, but parenthood has not suddenly gifted me with any insights into the origins of life that I didn't have before. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to go with the evidence and say that your god doesn't exist and never has - and that all life evolved.
"Spreading my belief?" I'm sorry for that. Next time I shout my atheist beliefs on a street corner, tell me to actually say something (as the silence will be deafening). OR when I knock on your door on a Saturday afternoon, handing out pieces of paper with my atheist beliefs written on them (which just happen to be blank) tell me to leave. And next time that I'm speeding thru the streets because I'm late to my atheist morning service or meeting, please chastise me and tell me to slow down. But the only thing that I seem to be missing is my atheist bible (or set of rules) written by followers of the master himself, on how to be the perfect atheist. Please let me know where I can buy this most holy book.

Edit: Does someone have to be a mechanic to post in the Automotive section or a cat to post in the Cats section? If someone isn't a student, do they have to stay out of the Homework section?

Sweetie, when people of your faith have control of the government, your faith DOES become a threat to everyone.