Would you buy this book, if I continued? This is a very rough draft.?


New member
Jul 1, 2010
The breeze slowly winded through a row of chimes that rang idly in sync with the slow moving pace of the picturesque town that stood proudly between two grand mountains. I lay in the light grass still ever so slightly wet with the mildew from the morning. It was calming and pleasant to listen to the tinkling sound of the chimes that were hanging from the side of roof on our quaint little house. Little did I know at that time that this peaceful bliss would soon come to an end. Soon after that uneventful day, a group of important looking people clad in black, which matched their stern and unwavering looks and lodged at our local inn in extreme privacy. The local and the national police was involved in maintaining the privacy that this unofficial meeting apparently needed. Subsequently, I found out that some were presidents of well-known companies such as telecomm, proctor and gamble, as well as many others and some were foreign dignitaries, which not only included our beloved Queen of England, but also those from pivotal countries that held the most important resources such as oil. This was never reported on the news and our local town was buzzing around with excitement and confusion. Why would there be a unofficial private meeting of significant and well known people take place in our little town? Being the curious person that I am, I decided to check out the place during my leisurely walk before my afternoon tea. As I headed toward the proximity of the inn, Sheriff Johnston, who was a family friend, stopped me and said, "My dear, you should head back. None, of us are allowed to let anyone come closer than this". With let my head hung in disappointment, and started head back home, but two people who seemed out of place in this town with large fancy cameras and several laptops, stared at me in astonishment. They unashamedly stared at me with a baffled looks on their face, that I began to think that I might as well have turned into a cow before their very eyes and started to milk out golden cottage cheese. One of them ran towards me yelling, "Wait! Please, wait!". With confusion and out of politeness, I stood where I was. He dressed like a guy from a Apple Mac commercial with a slightly disheveled hair and a wild look in his eyes. When he caught up with me, he started to say that I had a very strong aura, that he could even notice from far away. I had no idea what he was talking about. Maybe, he was one of those conspiracy theorist who were hounding the dignitaries that town people were talking about. He said that it might be crazy, but I was one of the children that they were looking for for a very long time, those with particular gifts who would help fight the war against the one world government. He motioned the other one to come over, the other one seemed less enthusiastic and more timid, like I was some explosive device. My initial thought was, these people sure have gone over the edge in their little conspiracy theory. How could I, who was born in and lived in a small town all her life, be of any use? I couldn't think of any gifts. They warned me that I should come with them as soon as I could, because the rulers of the world would start by wiping out people like me and that I should be very careful. I ran away. These crazy people were feeding me idle thoughts and fantasies. When I got home, I excused myself from afternoon tea, and took a nap, while shaking from the encounter. I woke up, by the loud pounding on our front door in the middle of the night. People with suit and tie came and said that there was a person in this house that they needed to detain. My father started to say that this was outrageous and there are rights, rights that included being able to sleep peacefully at night. First they tried to persuade him, but my father answered a definite resounding no due to their invasion of privacy, they left. I ran on top of our stairs and looked out the window, I saw them motioning and talking with the guards in bullet proof vests carrying heavy arms. In a flash I had a tunneling vision that my parents were burning along with the house without a fight. I wanted them to wake up and run to the door to get out, but they wouldn't, they just laid down on the wooden floor. I ran downstairs and told my parents that we needed to leave. That they were coming back, I tried to tell them about the men in the morning who followed me, which came out bubbling stream of words. My mom said, "Shush, sweetie, don't worry. You can sleep in our room if you'd like". There was no way that I could've dreamed this vision. Just no way. I begrudging snuggled next to my mom with my face planted on her shoulder and my father slept in my room. The next morning, I woke up in a foreign concrete floor in an industrial building, that I've only seen in my textbooks. At first, I thought I was still dreaming. Where was I? Where was my mom and dad? There were other handful of children