Would you buy a horse with a "split heartbeat"?


New member
Apr 18, 2008
I had a horse vetted for use in polocrosse. He passed, but the vet mentioned he has a split heartbeat after trotting, which doesn't worry her as fit horses sometimes display this.
Would you take the horse?
And before you tell me to get a second opinion that is not an option here, there is only one vet in town who does horses.
He is a lovely horse, I have ridden him quite a lot already, in tournaments, practises, outrides. His conformation is perfect, and all his paces are stunning! He moves straight and free. He is only 5 years old, and is a rescue.
The vet says not to worry about the heartbeat, and she let me listen to it, it goes normal after a minute. Would you buy him?