Would you attend Rev Wrights Ranting Yelling Hateful Sermons for 20 straight Years?


New member
Nov 14, 2011
No wonder Rev Wright was so mean and angry, Obama treated him like a Uncle and influenced Rev Wright for 20 years! look at all the angry mean people Obama has developed in only 3 years time already- OWS protesters!
No, I attended a different pastor's "Ranting Yelling Hateful Sermons for 20 straight Years". Why do you think I became an atheist?

...and you (and others) were probably "mean & angry" long before Obama became president.
You know nothing about Reverend Wright. You are just parroting the hateful Repblican attack on him. Look up his record and you will see why he warns the USA about bad choices.
Blow it out your ass. We've been hearing this horseshit for 4 fucking years.