Would u invite someone who used to gossip about you, mock you, etc?


Jun 3, 2008
Would u invite someone who used to gossip about you, mock you, etc to your graduation party if they have recently said sorry about what they used to do???
They were rude but then they said sorry...Would you invite them (bitter memories are still there).
I guess my question to you would be "What is your ultimate goal?" I mean do you hope to start a deep, long term friendship or are you just glad this person is no longer gossiping about you and you want to keep things casual? And how much do you trust them or their sincerity by way of their apology? Don't get me wrong, people do change but what caused the changed? An abuser will apologize for hurting their spouse but will more than likely do it again. So what good is the apology? And do you simply want to invite them to keep on their "good" side so they won't mock you anymore or do you genuinely like this person for other reasons? I know it's a lot of questions but sometimes there's no simple answers. For me, I might still be a little leery of letting them into my inner circle so soon after the bad behavior, especially if the memories are still bitter.
It depends how you feel. Weigh out the pros & cons first. But mainly - that is YOUR graudation party, and don't feel obliged to invite anyone who is going to make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy at your own event celebrating you. If they could appreciate you then, then why all of a sudden would they apologize to start a clean slate right when you're about to go off to college? It doesn't make much sense in my eyes, if you really want to make an effort with their friendship & if their apology seemed sincere, then go ahead and invite them. If it won't be a pleasant experience for you, than don't. Don't let someone ruin your night. Good luck!
If they clearly changed their ways, I think I would. ^^ Don't let the past get you down! Try making newer, better, and happier memories with them! This is only me. :) Good luck!
Yes, I'd forgive and invite.
What's that 'they' say about 'killing your enemies with kindness'? But this person sounds like they could be a friend if you give them another chance!
I am going to assume that this person who used to mock me is popular while I am not. So Hell, yeah I'd invite them! Maybe we can be friends and they can invite me to all thier parties and introduce me to all their cool friends and we'll go to the mall and have sleep overs and paint each others toenails. And we'll be BFFs forever! Oh, I'm going to be so happy!!!