Would this be rude? Can I do this?


Apr 5, 2008
Hi, so I have never written before, apart from essays at school but I've never done any creative writing. I have an idea for a thriller novel about a man who's girlfriend was murdered when they were young and he's trying to find her killer. I've had this idea for like three years but don't have much confidence for even know how to write it. I've tried but I just go blank and can't start. read LOTS of everything but it doesn't seem to help me.

I wanted to join a forum for help and surport, with writing it but also in getting the idea right and I think it may not make sense in some places. But sometimes it's hard to tell with your own work. I've found what looks like a good forum with both adults and teens on it.
I wanted to join and ask the people on their to give their opinions on my plot and characters and tell me if there's any holes or if it's just a stupid idea. And just surport me in starting it (not write it for me).

Of course I'd like to help people back, even though I don't know much, just an opinion can be helpful. I wouldn't go straight on and start asking for help, I'd get to know people first and help others. I like to read especially stuff that's new and not published.

I just worry whether they'd think me rude or not want to help me. I don't want them writing it for me, but I do lack confidence and I'm not sure about my idea.

What do you think?
P.S I know my Grammar sucks the big one, but when it comes time to edit my book I'll buy a Grammar book. I just want to think about getting it down.

That plot sounds like a great idea (very mysterious) so i say, go for it! As you're writing your story, don't worry about your grammar. As long as you develop your characters and plot well, your grammar won't be too much of a barrier. If you ever need more help on getting started or want some feedback on your story, i'd be really happy to help!. You can email me at ([email protected]) ~

Don't really depend TOO much on other people's opinions. It's okay to get some ideas from people, but if you really don't know how to get started on the story, maybe you're just not motivated enough or maybe this thriller novel is too hard for an amateur writer. You could put it aside for now and come back to it when you think you have more ideas or are more "ready" for the challenge.

If you want a website to post your story on and hopefully get recognition for your writing, i suggest wattpad.com! it's free to get started and really easy to use.
It's not rude, but it's not going to happen either. Can I have your computer? No, I just want to use it until I get bored with it. Want to send it to me? I'll give it back, maybe, if I feel like it, when I'm done.

If you said "Yes," THAT's weird. Stories are like our own computers. We want to do wat we want to do, use it like we want to use it, and don't want other people to bother us while we're writing it. You won't either, once you get past the concept of a novel versus the actual full plot. You don't have the full plot yet. How do I know? Because once you know the plot, I'm more likely to ply away your computer than you want me to tell you how it should be done. It's yours. Like those seagulls in Australia in the movie "Finding Nemo." All you can say is, "Mine, mine, mine, mine." It's yours. It can't get any better. Sure, you can tell it better, but the plot is yours, you know how it HAS to end, and it will annoy the heck out of you if anyone dares to tell you your wrong. And you should be annoyed. The only thing other writers are good for is to tell you how to write it better--never how to tell a better story.

Sure, you're new. We all are or were. Just do it so YOU like it. It's yours. ALL yours. And when you're ready to share YOUR story, you'll find people who can tell you "you told there. Show instead." Or "I didn't really understand what's going on here. Who is she? In that sentence, there are three shes in this scene. That's the stuff you'll want once your done, even your very first story.
Do a short course in Creative Writing or join a writers' circle. Talk to real people face-to-face - the internet is full of trolls and fools, and talking to real people will encourage you to write more (just to save yourself the embarrassment of having to admit you've done SFA). Plus you might actually learn something about the craft.
You'll find the more experienced writers are usually very happy to share advice with young amateurs who are willing to listen and put in their own work. It sounds like you are.
Just be aware that they expect you to come up with your own ideas, so don't ask "give me some ideas, I don't know what to write about" (it happens a LOT) and understand that when people criticize your work very harshly, it might hurt your pride, but that's when you'll learn the most. So as long as long as you don't start throwing temper tantrums about how you're writing is great and you'll be famous someday and they're all evil for criticising you.
They'll be harsh with you and completely disregard your feelings. But the advice they'll give you will be invaluable. Accept it, use it and you'll grow better. Advising others will come naturally when you've been criticised yourself enough.