Would my future children inherit my Vitiligo?


Jun 2, 2008
I was born with Vitiligo but parents do not have Vitiligo, neither do my grandparents. So I am wondering would my future kids inherit my skin disease? I've found a girl who loves me for who I am, BUT, whenever I think about our future, I just can't imagine having kids because I don't want them to inherit my Vitiligo and going through what I had experienced during my younger stage (getting stares from people, being teased in school etc), I don't want them to go through the depressed stage! :(

By the way, my girl is a Chinese, I'm White my Vitiligo is mostly on my face :(

I know most of the Eurasians are gorgeous people, but do you think by having Eurasians kids would break this "curse" of skin disease?

:( :( :(
Dear Oliver,

Vitiligo is a fairly common skin condition that causes pale, white patches to develop on the surface of the skin. This is brought up a about because that particular area of skin has little or none of a type of pigment called melanin. This is the dye-like substance in the skin cells (melanocytes) which gives the skin colour and protectifrom on it from the sun's rays.

Any area of the skin can be affected by vitiligo, but it is most commonly seen in parts that are exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck and hands. It is more noticeable on people with dark or tanned skin.

The condition varies from person to person. In some people only a few small, white patches will appear and progress no further, whereas in others the patches may get bigger and join up across large areas of the skin. There is no way to predict how much of the skin will be affected, and the white patches are usually permanent. although there is growing evidence to suggest that some cases of vitiligo may run in the family, as about 1 in 3 people with vitiligo have a relative who is also affected.