Would I be throwing away my normal life and privacy if I could star in movies and...


New member
Dec 13, 2009
...be in a few concerts? i wanna be known, but not THAT known. i wanna be big, but small, i wanna be seen, but without cameras in my face 24-7. you know what i mean?
yeah you would people woula always be watching you and you wouldnt have a privat life anymore. some people wish that they never were famouse because of the fact that they have no provacy, but being a star has its ups too i wanna be known to like taylor swift cause she gets to make out with thaty hottie taylor launter,*jealous*!
if you take a leading role in a movie that does well at the box office, it's hard to keep the paparazzi out of your private life. but some big hollywood stars keep the media away pretty well, so it's not completely hopeless.