Would highschool girls rather DATE????? Zack Efron. Ashton Kutcher. Drake


New member
Nov 12, 2011
Haha! Be; Romantic, polite, open-minded, handsome, a gentle-man (as in oppenening the door for 'em)! & You'll get ALL the girls, I promise:)
Bell. Or Someone off jerseey shore? Would highschool girls rather DATE????? Zack Efron. Ashton Kutcher. Drake Bell. Or Someone off jerseey shore?
who has the best hair? why would you rather date them????
and im thinking about having blue eye contacts. i have brown eyes like ashton kutcher now. what do you think?
loooooooooooove me some Pauly D!!!!! If only he wasnt such a whore...... Damn the luck! lol
Firstly, Zac Efron is a fagmo. All of the guys on Jersey Shore are spray-tanned greaseballs who do nothing but work out and gloat. Now, Drake Bell is alright, I'd probably date him just because of his looks I guess. And then there's Ashton Kutcher. Almost any girl will tell you that he is the hottest guy on Earth, and honestly, I agree!!! :) Haha Too bad he's too old for me :/ He's hott ;)

Should you get blue colored contacts? Well first of all, I like brown eyes better than blue eyes. Second of all, I DON'T recommend getting colored contacts, they float around in your eyes. I had them, and they're just bad news...


he is older, but for realistic reasons because of age i woud deffs be after zac effron
None of the above.

Even though I am not in HS anymore, my views have barely shifted. Give me some: Jake Gyllenhaal, Channing Tatum, Gerald Butler, CHRIS HEMSWORTH, or Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
My friend says: Drake Bell.
Me: Ashton Kutcher.

Answer mine please...
I would pick Drake Bell for everything. Your own eye-colour suits you best. Its not like hair that you can change. Stick with brown.