Would Companies be influenced to stay in the US if we lower minimum wage,...


New member
Oct 18, 2010
...taxes, and regulations? Or should we keep staying uncompetitive in the global market and assume we need these things.

Remember why jobs go over seas.
Calling people who get paid low wages victims of "Slave Labor" is a foolish argument, since a Slave works against their will. Slaves don't turn in applications, apply for their position, get days off, etc...
On the other hand, slaves get free room and board (that means free place to sleep and free meals, in case you're an idiot, which sure sound like you might be one), free medical care.

I would rather be a slave than work a minimum wage job. Like you said, to get the "Slave Labor" job, I would have to apply, arrive on time for work, possibly get fired, or get injured at work and have to pay for medical care myself.

Oh and you think minimum wage workers get days off? Yeah right.