Would a girl dump a guy out of her own insecurity? Like if a lot of


New member
Oct 8, 2010
other girls were interested? Explain.
I think this is why my ex broke up with me and now that there are girls actually talking to me, she won't speak to me anymore. Will she regret this when she matures. I know she was really into me.
Maybe because she felt that you are way too in love with yourself and you were better of on your own.
Well perhaps she was and now she is not
A girl usually dumps a guy because she is not interested in him any more ?
Well perhaps she was and now she is not
A girl usually dumps a guy because she is not interested in him any more ?
Maybe there is nothing wrong with her personal security; maybe you are a big flirt and she got sick of it. If this is the case, she won't regret it.
Anyone else smell arrogance burning? Do you walk around with a mirror in your pocket? Listen to what you've said. Egocentric is the classification that I would place this question under. Who cares why she dumped you? As for me after reading this question I can see why and ultimately agree with her that it was a freaking brilliant decision!