World War 3 prediction/ next war prediction.?


New member
Sep 29, 2011
1. Iran and Pakistan form an alliance, the Arab country joins them.
2. They attack Israel, Israel falling apart, Us gives support to Israel. China seeing an opportunity to make better ties with the US help the US. Pakistan is hurt by China's unforeseen move.
3. After defeating Iran's alliance, China and the US leave Israel to defend itself, which Israel is capable of. China seeing progress with the US turn democratic. Taiwan reunifies with China.
4.North Korea nukes Seoul. South Korea return fire. China which is already very annoyed with north Korea attacks them. Korea is reunified with the South Korean leader in charge.
5. US sells weapons to China to pay of the debt and to make relations closer. US invites China to join NATO which China gladly joins.
6. US sells weapons to China, China ups its military spending making it level with the US' military spending. After buying US weapons and upgrading military, China becomes as strong as the US. China also removes one child policy.
7. China and US improve relations with Russia and India, soon all of those countries are in NATO. Together they defeat all terrorist and the world is scared to start another war.

This might happen, i just hate it how everyone thinks China and the US against each other.
Please let me just say this might not be correct but after a war like this, there wouldn't be a war for at least two hundred years.
China would sooner ally with Iran and the OPEC nations than align militarily with the US. US won't even give access to China space shuttle technology. Read on all the libel accusing them all sorts of contrived things that is printed in American media nowadays.

North Korea will never attack South Korea. SK has a population 10 times greater and could defeat NK handily WITHOUT the help from US.
LOL that would be pretty awesome. but i dont see that happening but yet russia was considered a strong ally during ww2 and then the cold war so who knows what will happen hahhaah i hope my info is correct if not sorry
I don't see it happening that way, but I do agree that the US and China have more reasons to ally then to go to war with eachother.

We already have sold weapons to China, especially after their war with Vietnam and the resulting artillery border duels they had through the late 70s and early 80s.

In the early 1970's we already made a mutual defense agreement with them concerning the USSR that is still technically in effect.
Another adolescent who plays way to many Video games and watches way to much Hollywood bull ****
Wont happen, China will not turn democratic, arab countries wont just magically unite. Russia will not join forces with us. Too many illogical things.
Yeah i think if it will happen it will be china & north korea vs. Everyone else but we'll end up starting a nuclear war and we will be forced to live in underground vaults to survive.