Working out in sets vs "to exhaustion"?


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
So it seems to be a very complex subject, and I mean very complex. At least, that's what it seems like in what I've read. It seems like certain numbers of repetitions in a set over some amount of sets vs a different number and different amount of sets, will have different effects on the muscles.

Like APPARENTLY, and I don't really know from experience, but one type of workout might result in leaner, more compact muscle, but another will result in bulking up, or so I've heard.

So knowing that, what effects would continuous reps until exhaustion have?

Also, I'll use pushups as an easy example. Continuously, I can can do about 25 at my current weight, with the fatigue only hitting me about 18-20 through, then it gets really tough. However in sets, this fatigue seems to hit faster. I can do the same amount of pushups, but the end result is that my muscles don't kill me. It also seems like doing them in sets is increasing my strength faster then when doing them continuously.

What is the science behind this? Why would one style keep you compact, one make you bulky? Also, it seems diet is quite important as well, which to be honest, seems a lot simpler than all this other technical stuff. Can any experienced weightlifters, or just very fit people who workout often answer these questions? Thanks a lot!