women who have converted to the Islam religion?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I want to know of any women out there who have converted to muslim religion?
I want to know some questions cause im very fasinated about religions and would love to know more about what people think about it instead of relying on sources from the media.

*why did you convert to Islam?
*how old were you when you did?
*how many years has ot been since you converted?
*do you wear the hijab?
*what religion were you before you converted?
*was it easy for you to convert? (were you very dedicated to your previous religion?)
*whats it like in the Islam religion in relations to relationship and marriage?
*is it as bad as people make it out to be?
*do you feel like you are more happy and content in your life than before converting?
*how did your family and friends handle it ?

And any other comments you would like to add :)

Thank you to all :)