Women and Sexy Sports Uniforms!

Only my opinion, Adam, but I imagine many women agree to the sexy (sexist) uniforms because they have no choice -- "wear this or don't play". Is it really true that men don't feel bad about the exploitation of their sex? If it is, maybe that's because men don't receive nearly as much of this type of exploitation as women do.
[/rant], back to my usually sunny disposition!
Very stupid.

For example- why do you think men wear baggier shorts?
It's because it allows them to perform better than tighter fitting shorts.
It follows that women who are being squeased into the tight fitting shorts with not be able to perform as well as they previously were.
So at the expense of attractive soccer (were players can move freely etc) he is suggesting that women should just concentrate on appearing nice.

Oh well
'Nuff said!

..*the women have not agreed to this... yet Adam.
And KT is dead on as far as men not being even half as exploited as we women are..... ... let's get them girls... !!
ya, it should be about the game,not about sex appeal...

but, im a guy, so id at least take a look now and again.
thats just it though, if im just staring at the beauties..im not really showing any interest or respect for the teams and players talents,as i would when im watching a good hockey game or fight scene in a movie, yaknow?

and its pretty much the same as movies, its bound to do better if it has attractive people in it, more likley to do better if it has a steamy scene in it too.
bottom line is.. it sells, and thats all the entertainment industries really care about.
My ignorant male mind still didn't get an answer to the question. How come that many women feel that transgressions towards a small number of their sex is an act of war against the entire female race?
Because maybe they're sick and tired of any number of women being objectified of their looks instead of being praised for their abilities. Someone once said that "Women have to work twice as hard to get half the respect that men do" (forgot who it was).

Of course, that may mean that your sisterhood theory may be accurate. Nothing really wrong with being there for one another, though...
Perhaps, because so many of us have been victimized by this type of exploitation, we can identify with it and tend to take it personally. We can feel their pain, so to speak.
Jeez, and I posted that just to get a little fireworks, not start a war. Sorry if it offended anybody.
Sorry Kwajman, I didn't see the thread till now. Rest assured, a topic like this needs an address from me. Ok, here's my $2 worth.

Adam, the reason we women find it is insulting is this. Imagine you wanted to compete at a high level in your MA, and you were told 'Sorry, we don't think it's possible for you to compete on the olympic team. You see, you have a severe acne problem, and small boobs.' If, in womens sport, sex appeal becomes an important aspect, this sort of thing will happen, if more subtley. Sport should be about ability, not about looks. I can repeat this less politely if necessary!
I wasn't questioning the decision by the FIFA guy. I personally think that it's a silly idea, I just wondered why females feel so angered when somebody of their sex is exploited. MY logic tells me that's only a concern for the woman who is exploited and her closest friends, not people on some message board in another country. You don't see any men whining about how poor and exploited the male sex are, which they are in some cases. What I'm seeing here is pretty standard responses from women, apart from Kinjiro, whose point makes a lot of sense to me.
Going bad to the original post: The guy should be sacked!

Mike (semphoon), totally agree mate, it would reduce performance and knock the womens game back further than 10 years. These women are athletes and deserve the same respect as their male counterparts!

Adam, perhaps the reason we become angered when one of our sex is exploited, is because it hapens so much more often then when a male is. Yes men are sometimes exploited, but not in the same way, and not as often. Maybe women feel more of a kinship than men. I don't know. The reason I feel angered, is I can see how easily it can happen to anyone, to myself or my friends. Being asked to choose between the sport you love, and a feeling of respectability is plain wrong, yet that is what the FIFA guy is basically proposing.
That's a much better response booksie. I can see your point now

And yes, he should be at least reprimanded for whoring the sport in such a manner, consenting female players or not.
It's important to show a united opposition when a small number of people are being picked on/ stigmatised/ exploited or whatever.
I appreciate this is taking it a bit far but your logic is the same that was used to ignore jews being persecuted in Nazi Germany 60 years ago. Why is it only a problem when it starts to affect you?

On a lighter note, I do like wearing lycra for exercise.
I mean what's next?

Getting a football team of supermodels to play football in their lingerie in order to get the ratings up for the SuperBowl???
