With these upcoming games, a prediction of Baltimore's 09-10 record?


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Baltimore's schedule for the 09-10 season is...

AFC West- Oakland, Kansas City, Denver, and San Diego
NFC North- Green Bay, Minnesota, Chicago, and Detroit
AFC North- Cincinati, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh (twice)
2nd place division teams- Indianapolis and New England.

My personal prediction and it is kind of biased, but i easily see a 12-4 or maybe 13-3 season.

I do take in consideration that the fact we may lose Ray Lewis and possible Jim Leonhard. So any comments?

Please, only realistic answers. Like ravens fans don't say 16-0. Pittsburgh fans dont' say 0-16.
I see Baltimore Sweeping both the AFC west and NFC
I see Baltimore Sweeping both the AFC west and NFC North. which comes to 8 wins. sweeps of cleveland and cincinati. So right now that comes to 12 wins. I don't think we've ever been swept by Pittsburgh in consecutive seasons, so at least 1 win. Peyton Manning will expose our corners...... AGAIN. and we will lose against the colts. New england will be close, and like last year a bad call will lose us the game. but yea 13-3 maybe.

sorry for bad grammar