With ex soviet satellite closing NATO base, will boots arrive on Pakastani soil?


Apr 9, 2008
One remaining supply line runs through the restive regions of Pakistan. If a surge is to occur in Afghanistan, will NWF Pakistan have to be occupied?
Your way to advanced for any of us Monday morning war mongers. What's your main concern if "boots arrive" anywhere ? Are you a Pakistani Spy on yahoo ?what is the ONE remaining supply line mean. ?
It's "You're" not "Your". if your going to insult us at least do it properly. You'll look less like an *** . Not by much though

Anyway, Pakistan is our enemy. I'm sure you know that. They preach camaraderie but the hide the most wanted man in the world, they cuddle the nuclear terrorist A Q Khan and are releasing him soon, the ISI is simply full of terrorists etc. etc.

We have to secure our material pipeline or we're done. Black Ops are already happening in Pakistan and it's only a matter of time until terrorists launch a major attack inside Afghanistan killing many troops with the help fo the ISI. When we catch them red handed all bets are off.

Maybe our SF's guys hit a "terrorist" camp only to later find out that it was a Pakistani outpost. The leadership will have no choice but to retaliate in Afghanistan or risk overthrow from radical Islamists

Obama also wants a chance to bulk up his "warmonger" image a little bit since that's his main weakness right now ( that and the stimulus!)

Very thought provoking question, glad to see someone besides me is watching the world around us being soaked in kerosene and leaning towards the flame
That base has not been closed yet, this was announced as a political ploy by the Russian Government -note that the announcement was made in Moscow during a Conference of Soviet Satellite states- Russia wants to flex more political influence in its hemisphere. Also, the closure has a 6 month delay before the US has to respond. in short, we will not lose the base unless the reds ask for the moon.
That base has not been closed yet, this was announced as a political ploy by the Russian Government -note that the announcement was made in Moscow during a Conference of Soviet Satellite states- Russia wants to flex more political influence in its hemisphere. Also, the closure has a 6 month delay before the US has to respond. in short, we will not lose the base unless the reds ask for the moon.