Witchcraft /black magic can be used to prevent people from believing the


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Christian gospel? You may pray to God through Jesus Christ to confirm this.
I believe that black magic and witchcraft can be used to prevent people from seeing the " Truth " that lies within Jesus Christ,Christianity, the Bible and the Gospel of Christ. And using Satanic/demonic powers(the powers of Pagan,non-monotheisitc worshippers),practitioners of witchcraft and black magic,can put a SUPERNATURAL CURSE on people to prevent people from becoming Christian.And seeing the truth that lies in Jesus Christ,the Bible.and the Christian Gospel.GOD ALLOWS THIS.This is the "age-old" conflict between God-worshippers, and Pagan,non-monotheistic woshippers.It is mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible,and also in the New Testament.New Testament passages relating to this are:MATTHEW, Chapter 13 .verses 1 to 9, verses 18 to 23, verses Chapter 23, verses 1 to 36. Chapter 25 ,verses 31 to 46.MARK,Chapter 12, verses 1 to 12.
LUKE Chapter 11, verses 37 to 53.JOHN Cahpter 8,verses 31 to 59, Chapter 12, verses 37 to 43.
Tragically Satanists are capable through witchcraft to cause demons to possess people and demons do have the power to prevent people from worshiping God and thus receiving salvation. However demon possessed individuals realize that their minds are being controlled and if they seek help from ministers trained to deal with demons,their minds can be cleansed of satanic possession. :applause: