Windows 8x or iPhone 4s?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I have the coice between the two. I would get the iPhone normally but 2 things hold me back. 1 - its 'out-dated' which I don't really care about, but it will after time I feel and 2 - it's abit more expensive. I want the windows phone as it's different, bigger etc. But which one's better? (Bearing in mind I will be buying them off ebay or something like that. ) Thanks!!
windows 8x by htc. you would love it. live tiles that are updated in real time. no searching for anything - just click the tile and there you go. you can re-adjust, or prioritize tiles anyway you want.

no excessive menus or submenus. Even the settings, 4g, or wifi command is a tile. very compacted system.

very fast and smooth ecosystem. its lightning fast.

microsoft has done it correct this time.

iphone 4s would be at least 100 dollar more expensive and even apple says it outdated.

windows phone updates in real time with latest security updates coming automatically. i do not believe you will see any update in iphone 4s and from a security point of view that's a risk.

microsoft has been very pro-active in its security updates