Will you ever want kids, yay or nay?

You didn't give an option for "I am in a serious relationship and I want to settle down and not have kids. Ever!!!". I want to settle down now, house, money, proper job will hopefully come however unlikely it's looking at the moment :( But no, definitely no kids. Jelephant summed up my thoughts quite nicely! :)
I don't think I'd be allowed have a C-section (unnecessary surgery) unless it had to be done (diabetic!) and I've heard people say that sometimes an epidural is completely useless. Can they just give you a C section if you want one anyway? If you're not in a private hospital?
Much to the disgust of many people, a lot of private patients do request a C-section rather than go through the birth, yes.
I really want kids, after I've 'made it' in the world :D - I wouldn't have kids unless I could give them a great life.
I think they can give u a C-sec wherever u are if u request for one... I've never had a baby so im not sure but i don't see why not. It's a womans choice on how she delivers right?
epidurals aren't always compeltely useless, that must only be a couple of people who have one with no effects. Failing that, laughing gas and oxygen! get high on the birth day ;) (with the laughing gas, not pot or anything).
The thing is, I like being young and free without any responsibilities and the thought of settling down makes me shudder. And if I were to ever have kids I'd rather have them by the age of 30. I don't want to be taking care of a teenager when I'm nearing sixty. I'm a month from turning 22, however, and never been in a relationship so it's not like I find that thought very realistic at the moment. :D I'd also rather adopt than have my own biological children. A couple of reasons: I don't want to be pregnant (this is for completely selfish reasons). Besides there's way too many kids abandoned/not wanted by their parents in need of a loving home. A child would not have to be biologically mine for me to love it like my own. And I don't want to take part in overpopulating the planet.
I'm serious! I'm convinced that there was a fatal error in the drafting process when women were made, because that is most definately not meant to come out of there :D
I would love to have kids but I haven't even thought about uni yet! And I'm in a serious relationship atm, but who knows what will happen at uni?
lol i pick out baby names when i am bored and waiting for something. i do want to have a substantial sized family as i grew up in one,however i think there are so many selfish people out there having children when they can hardly support themselves. i wonder about these really young mothers and by no means i dnt want to offend anyone i jst thought id take the opportunity to vent. also and again no offence (as my dad is also one) but i think its a little selfish to only have one child (obviously there are exceptions) but i jst believe that its harder being an only child specially when ur young.....but idk.:eek:: :eek3: :confused: :(