Will we have to endure another Christmas of Right Wing Rants about saying

Why should we compromise our believes and life style because it might offend someone. what about us. we feel offended. We don't go to other country's and demand they change everything to suite us. why do they get to do it to us?

Why do they get to just come and change everything, if they don't like it they can live with it or leave
I'm afraid it starts on Friday. Wah, wah, wah, we don't LIKE it when people say happy holidays - wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
If I hear someone say "happy holidays" I yell back at them It's merry FCKING CHRISTMAS Lib! then I swat the across the chin with my truncheon!

BTW.. Jesus Saves.
Funy how it's allowed in government buildings also, isn't it?
Don't like it, don't put yourself in a place to hear it! Simple isn't it?
I'm sure we will. It won't be long until they start whining about the "socialist libtard war on christmas" and complaining about the ACLU.
Attention 7-11 Shoppers
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Feliz Navidad, Contented Kwaanza, Shalome, Salam, ??????? ?????????, Frohe Weihnachten, And last but not least…. ??? ????? ?????? ?????
Anyone out there didn’t get the message? Dial
oh i am so sorry about saying merry christmas
oh the pain you must feel i am so sorry..