Will this bike help me lose weight?


May 14, 2008
I wanna start biking but i dont have a mountain bike yet. Will a regular mongoose bike still help me lose some weight?
A bike does not require enough effort to affect weight. It is the most efficient method of travel. Jogging is one of the most efficient ways of losing fat. It takes air to burn fat. That means heavy breathing. Biking does not involve heavy breathing.
Don't listen to smartaz
I used to be weigh 186 and now 145 pounds.
I did this by dieting and riding a stationary bycicle for an hour every day.
If a stationary bycicle going at moderate and sometimes more intense speeds helped me loose all that weight I'm sure a real bike can do the same.
But diet!!
They go hand in hand.
Good luck!
Actually it does help . I suggest u ride steady for about five minutes then for two minutes ride hard. Do this rotating method and u will see a difference. Good luck