Will the owner of a White Pontiac Thunderbird...?

fudge i was going to do that to my Boyfriends car in a minute someone tell me plz who did it to the car i need to no...lol
i would be like..
uh uh.
bitch..hold up.
i want tha damn security footage of dis bitch.
i would be pissed as a mother fucker.
idk what i would do.
just get my my cell phone so i can call my insurance company...
p.s....I set it on fire...i needed the money
No, Vishal I know you're not a magical money tree, but seriously this really happened. What do you mean my insurance doesn't cover mysterious fire or accidental damage....
i knew my wife was on to me. i should have taken those pair of panties that were left in the back seat and tossed them out the window. SOB