Will my navel piercing be OK when I travel...?


New member
Jun 12, 2008
In six months (late May 2009) I'm going on a 2 week trip to Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

If I were to get my navel pierced some time this month, would it be healed enough for my to swim/not worry about it getting infected when I go on my trip?

I know they are notoriously slow to heal, but so far I have a very good track record with piercings (4 in my ears, no infections or rejections, I took good care of them) and I am scrupulous about hygiene. I would have it done at a very clean reputable place. I'm about to turn 20 - I'm old enough and mature enough not to fiddle with it all the time.

I might or might not swim in a swimming pool while staying at a hotel in one of these countries. If my piercing seems like it's still open, I'd avoid swimming, just to be safe. However, these countries aren't known for being as clean as America, and I probably won't be able to clean the piercing as often or as thoroughly while I'm there.

Should I get the piercing now and hope it will be mostly healed in 6 months, or should I wait til I get back from the east?
You should definitely not have a problem with it being healed enough where swimming and what not will not effect it. Although because it will still be a semi new piercing I would still make sure you clean it really well after you swim or do anything that you may get bacteria in it.
in 6 months it should be healed enough that it won't be an issue. It's always depending on the individual, so if your ears healed good, then you should have a better idea. By that time tho, it might not be completely healed, but it shouldn't have open skin by then. So long as it doesn't get pulled or irritated before the trip, you should be fine.