Will my guinea pig be okay when I'm on vacation?


May 13, 2008
My grandparents live very close to be, so they will give her food and water. They are afraid of animals though so they won't take her out of the cage. Will she be okay in her cage for a week as long as she has food and water?
I could bring her to my friends house that will feed & play with her, but they have 2 dogs & a parrot that are loud. She would be in a new, loud house,... I don't know if that would be better than staying in her cage all week. What should I do?
I do have a friend that lives down the street with no pets,... she says she loves guinea pigs,..
your guinea pig will be fine with your grandparents giving it food and water but not letting it out of the cage..
just make sure to pay attention to it when you get back home..