Will Jade be inviting any of her fellow sufferers to her celebrity wedding?


May 12, 2008
Wouldn't it be a nice gesture if she invited other women with cervical cancer or some kids from the Leukaemia wards to share her wonderful day?
LOL at the idea she's bezzy mates with half the celebs she's asking - they're just there for the publicity shots - so why not ask some less fortunate cancer sufferers to share in her celebrity windfall?
Buddha - I wouldn't invite Max Clifford and the British press to my wedding so it's hard for me to put myself in her shoes from that perspective.
Shady - I didn't realise Disney was a sterile environment - http://www.lrf.org.uk/en/1/funnewsdisney.html
Chipmunk - I'm afraid all I see her publicising is Jade Goody and the fund for Jade Goody's children grow up richer than most of us could dream of.
But Divasue - haven't you heard - she's doing it for her boys because the few £million she already has just won't be enough to keep them in the style she would have liked to become accustomed to.
No - I would imagine this will be a very painful day for Jade as well as wonderful. Her priority will be with her husband and her children, and making memories they can keep forever.
By speaking so openly about her cancer there has already been an increase in women seeking cervical smears - so she is helping others in a huge way already

Who cares?

But i do kind of agree with you. This whole thing is a gross example of celebrity spin gone mad and it's just disgusting. An excellent gesture and something to dilute the shameless greed shown by this woman would be to invite fellow sufferers, and also have charity cancers represented there.
But no, it's all money, money, money with this woman. Always has been and always will be.
I dont think Jade has really thought beyond her self, its not in her nature, shame because she certainly could lift a lot of spirits for her fellow sufferers.
I think you will find that there will be at least one of the misfortunet Lady's who were in hospital with Jade will be in attendance, as for inviting the children from a leukaemia ward ? that can not happen as people who suffer from leukaemia are easily prone to infections when their immune systems are not working properly due to their sad illness, hope you find this of some use :)