Will I lose weight doing this workout routine?


New member
May 13, 2008
I am 5'6, 17yrs old and 165.5lbs. over the last 6 months i have lost 53lbs and 9 pant sizes. i have hit a plateau and it is getting harder to lose weight. so i upped my workout routine. if i do this workout routine continiously will i lose weight and tone my legs and arms? My goal weight is 130 - 135lbs. i would like to be there by july or august. so here is my routine:

- hike for 1 hour. its flat and uphill. a very good hike. right by the coast of the beach.
- do 200 situps morning and night.

everyother day:
- do 200 situps
- go to gym and spend 12 - 15 min on the treadmile. running for half of those mins.
-30 day shred dvd: do 30 min of it.
-mari winsor pilates dvd: do whole dvd.

-afeternoon/evening: do the same hike for 1 hour.
- do 200 situps

will i see results doing this? with a healthy diet. i only eat when i am hungry, and drink lots of water. and i only have 2 servings of starch a day with lots of veggies and fruit. i usually dont eat any meals after 4pm. but if i get hungry ill have a healthy snack before going to sleep.
i was stuck at 167 for like 2 weeks! so im hoping this new workout will help me lose it faster. and give me toning.

so will i see results?

thanks :]
Hey, the link i'm leaving you with is for a super toning training routine designed with the female in mind... Honestly, I dont know if your routine's going to work, but since you have access to a gym.. you should defintally give this a look. You can tweak it to your fitting, like.. hiking (as you said) for cardio. Give it a look if your interested.

Good luck, stay focused & eat right!
Hey, the link i'm leaving you with is for a super toning training routine designed with the female in mind... Honestly, I dont know if your routine's going to work, but since you have access to a gym.. you should defintally give this a look. You can tweak it to your fitting, like.. hiking (as you said) for cardio. Give it a look if your interested.

Good luck, stay focused & eat right!
Hey, the link i'm leaving you with is for a super toning training routine designed with the female in mind... Honestly, I dont know if your routine's going to work, but since you have access to a gym.. you should defintally give this a look. You can tweak it to your fitting, like.. hiking (as you said) for cardio. Give it a look if your interested.

Good luck, stay focused & eat right!
i would def say yeah.. if you lost that much im sure you can lose the rest. good job! im trying to lose weight. mind telling me how you lost that 53 pounds in 6 months?
Hey, the link i'm leaving you with is for a super toning training routine designed with the female in mind... Honestly, I dont know if your routine's going to work, but since you have access to a gym.. you should defintally give this a look. You can tweak it to your fitting, like.. hiking (as you said) for cardio. Give it a look if your interested.

Good luck, stay focused & eat right!