Will I be caught for this little bit I downloaded from LimeWire?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I just downloaded like 3 songs from LimeWire. I put two of them into my iTunes library, but I deleted them both after their quality sucked. I did use LimeWire many years back for like 1 song just to see how it worked, but I don't use it at all, except for the times here and there. From all of this, will my ISP come after me for those 4 or 5 songs I downloaded, or will they only make a deal out of it if I was downloading like 10 or more a day? I've read several articles of people being smacked in the face with fines for illegal music downloads, and I don't wanna be a part of that. Will I be caught for those few songs, or is that nothing to worry over?
It's possible. Basically, the music and movie companies hire other companies to monitor files that they know are theirs. Those companies watch and record the IPs of those who download them. Then they file lawsuits. So if you download 1000 songs and none are monitored, nothing will happen. If you download three and one is monitored, you're busted.
Yes, the government has caught and thrown everyone into prison who has ever stolen music. Now they're out to get you.
Next time you feel like stealing a song, please consider how many people work n recording studios and what not to bring that music to you. They have families and they need the money just as much as you do. Do your part, and give the people what they work their asses off for.