Will i be able to handle paying for a 2010 BMW m3 if i have $50k?


Active member
May 13, 2008
i have $50k in the bank right now, and i really want to buy an M3, im thinking somewhere below 30k miles and possibly year 2010, if i put down about $35k on it and pay off the rest, while having a decent job at 22 yrs old, will i be able to handle the maintinance of the car as well as gas and everything else? thanks
Ya you should be able to, but it's not very wise to use more than half of all the money you own on a car you don't really need. I wouldn't put down such a large payment if I were you. I would try and get the best and lowest payments you can and pay it off slowly and build up a credit. If you every hit the jackpot later, or get a higher paying job or something, then you can put down another 10K if you want to pay it off rather quickly. So make big payments if you've got the money, and want to pay it off fast. But if not, then get the lowest payments you can like most people do, in order to keep saving money and build credit.
In your position, I would try to get a 2010 for around 40-50K depending on the best deal you can find. And I would put down at least 10-15K also depending on how much it affects your payments. And about the repairs later on, it depends on your monthly income. If you can easily afford a $400 dollar payments every month for a car, I'm assuming you can afford the maintenance on this car as well as long as your making pretty good money.
May seem cool now but after a while you might think on why you spent a lot of your money for that car. You should get an older M3, possibly E30, E36, or E46 and tuning it up for performance you saved a lot and still have a M3. Good luck on getting an M3!