Will Google keep on delaying Android 5.0 until it gets to Android 4.9 then they...


New member
Jul 22, 2008
...will release Android 5.0? Google already confirmed that they is going to be an Android 4.3 that will be released shortly even though some people thought that it was going to be Android 5.0 so Android 5.0 has been delayed so will they keep on delaying Android 5.0 by releasing Android 4.4 after 4.3, then 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, then finally Android 5.0?
Its hard to tell. According to the way they were doing things jelly bean should have been 5.0 not 4.1. Just depends on the team I guess
Most likely not, but you never know. Probably this summer they will release it.
Most likely not, but you never know. Probably this summer they will release it.