will congress ever make certain gay slang words illegal?


New member
Mar 20, 2009
You're a class act.

No, Congress should never outlaw words. We live in a country that respects free speech. Offensive speech, such as that which reveals your ignorance, should be tolerated.

By the way, why are you so preoccupied with homosexuality?
I think we should not use the term "fag" because its insensitive to butt pirates. I think that if some fudge packer wants to put his whoosiwhatsy into another he's-a-poof's hoohoo, then who are you to call them a fag for doing it?
so what happens when a british person asks for a fag? (look it up)
Freedom of Speech. You want to censor yourself, go ahead. Don't do it to others.
BTW - nice use of the other slangs
They can try but we got a thing called free speech.Im sure the messiah will TRY to trample it,the worthless clown he is.
No. Stupidity is not illegal--people can say racist things, or gay slang, or other types of things.

What is illegal is acting on the words.

"I think we should not use the term 'fag' because its insensitive to butt pirates. I think that if some fudge packer wants to put his whoosiwhatsy into another he's-a-poof's hoohoo, then who are you to call them a fag for doing it?"

As I said, stupidity's not illegal.

"Shut up, Dinozzo..."
