Wikileaks - your opinion?

Thanks for your post Artre, it is indeed true that zinc cadmium sulphate is nowhere near as toxic as cadmium in its elemental form. The discussion was related to biological and chemical tests conducted by the MOD on the British public. Some of which were harmful to health and others, less so.

Southpaw, As I said before, when people bother to actually look at the sources provided I might respond, until then I'm not answering any questions.

Watch that film, you might learn something...

You've yet to provide a single solitary scrap of evidence that any of those tests were harmful to health or that they were even potentially harmful to health.

Have you ever been involved in a formal debate? Thought not. You don't win debates by telling people to read a book or watch a documentary, you win a debate by making carefully reasoned arguments in favour of your position. You've done no such thing in this thread. People have given you a lot of chances to make your case and you've rejected all of them.
YouTube - Rap News 6 - Wikileaks' Cablegate: the truth is out there

I don't agree with everything in this, particularly Hilliary's opener, but I think we should pay attention to what the host says from 5:20 to the end...
If we do nothing about the leaders we have then we deserve them. Now lets not have any talk of revolution or MAP will be branded a terrorist training camp.
We joke, but if I ever suffer a head injury and decide to run for public office, the opinions I've expressed on this website over the years would kill my campaign faster than a rendezvous with an Alaskan hooker named Sarah.
READ THE SOURCES POSTED. There are more than one. Did you notice the testing on troops? Watch the documentary "Beyond Treason" for further details. There is also a short doc made about the British testing on the the public called "Clouds of Secrecy". But you know everything so I'm sure you've no need to bother.

You really do whine a lot, it reminds me of an angsty teenager. Watch that documentary, you may learn something. That's the point of giving books and docs. To give people information... this isn't a debate you see, it's a discussion. You want it to be a debate and that's likely why you like posting here, it gives you the ability to whine, condescend and assert your inert personality in a way the real world doesn't. I'm sure your post count will continue to climb...

If anyone wants a real discussion they can PM me.
I know enough about this particular issue to know that you need to spend less time watching documentaries and more time studying science.

Whereas you probably are an angsty teenager

On this we'll have to disagree.

What the hell is an inert personality? And surely you're the one whining (Oh woe is I, the government is out to get us all). I'm merely standing strong in the face of unrelenting ignorance (that would be yours, in this particular instance).

As for my post count - I hope it will continue to rise, using that to insult me is a bit odd really, are you trying to imply that posting here is something I should be ashamed of. Indeed, I find this place to be a most worthwhile diversion. These boards have taught me a lot in my time and not just about MA. I firmly believe that amongst its membership are a group of the most intelligent, well read and reasonable people on the internet and I enjoy the intellectual sparring practice that our 'discussions' have provided me over the years.

I hasten to add that I do not include you in that group - you are well read, perhaps, but I've seen nothing here to suggests you have had the slightest success in turning that raw knowledge into wisdom.
Ok, will watching that documentary all the way through answer my question about what you personally would of done as an alternative? Is your personal opinion documented in that documentary?

I still don't see how telling me to look at your sources is an answer to a "what would you have done" question. Explain that to me and I will go back through the last few pages and look at/read all the sources you've posted. I think thats pretty reasonable.
Wait, what? I sorta know what you mean but I'm not certain...

Is this the idea that eg. on flipping 10 coins you are "most likely" to get 5&5 (more likely than any other individual result), but overall you are more likely to get NOT 5&5 than get it. So you continually see odd imbalances.

Or fire a hundred arrows into the side of a barn and then notice the "random cluster" where three of them happened to strike near each other?

Or is this a psychological thing that people fail to notice all the hundreds of things in their life that ARE in order but do notice and remember the rare event that is "unexpected" - and therefore see a continual stream of crazy statistical unlikeliness in their life?

Just curious
Will the UN be able to stop US torture?
Shouldn't be for the UN to deal with. The US is supposed to be a beacon of freedom - they shouldn't need telling.

Cracks me up the number of politicians who go round spouting about freedom and the American way of life when the issue being discussed is gun control or abortion, but when you have an American citizen being tortured on American soil or when the foundation stone of the US justice system is being eroded away under their very noses, they fall deathly quiet.