Wife douses husband with beer in Wrigley Field bleachers after he tries to protect he


Jun 17, 2007
It started with a chivalrous act gone wrong, was followed by a beer bath and ended with a high-five.

A couple caught the attention of baseball fans at Wrigley Field on Sunday and the ones watching at home on TV. Why? His-and-her beer baths!

It happened when Chicago Cubs pitcher Travis Wood hit a home run to left field in the fifth inning. A husband in the bleachers tried to protect his wife from the ball, but in the process spilled his beer on her. So, in return, she dumped her beer on his head.

This was not a cheap lovers spat. The Cubs have one of the highest beer prices in the league — $7.25 for a small beer, so that's $14.50, minus whatever they had already gulped down.

MLB.com caught up the couple afterward and the wife explained herself:

"I just got livid," she said. "And took my beer and splooshed it in his face. I figured if I'm wet, he might as well be wet too."

They both were in good spirits, laughing along.

The wife agreed she got her payback, and the husband was happy to hear they were even. Then they high-fived. No beer was dropped in the process.

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