Wife always complains of "back pain" when stressed. Starting to wonder


New member
Mar 19, 2012
if she's faking it.? My wife was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about a year ago after countless doctors and MRI's, Xrays, etc. couldn't provide an explanation for her intermittent bouts of intense body-wide pain, partial paralysis below her waste, etc. Shortly after we married and I lost my job she started having such intense pain that she was paralyzed from the waste down for 4 days and hospitalized. After numerous doctors reviewed her MRI's she was found to be in perfect health with "unexplained" wide-spread and chronic pain. She walked with a walker for a time and then a cane. Her pain has come and gone but I seem to notice that it invariably seems to pop up when she's stressed and I'm starting to wonder if she has mental health issues and this is her way of getting attention, avoiding responsibilities when she's overwhelmed, and also as a way of not dealing with her feelings.

For a while she was fine, after I got a job and things were good in that area again. Most recently she got served with papers from court from her ex-husband who is seeking more time with the children. Suddenly she's bed-ridden again, not feeling good, her back is hurting and she's going through it all again.

I'm starting to wonder if she just represses her anger and it comes out as pain, or if she has some mental health problems or if she's doing it for attention and pity. I'm not sure what to think. She's 33 years old and in perfect health otherwise. I'm at a loss and am starting to feel very unsympathetic and frustrated.

Not sure what to do. Talking to her about it is pointless, she legitimately swears there's something wrong with her and I know that implying that I think she's faking it or has a problem would not go over well... and she refuses counseling of any kind.

What would you do? I feel trapped in a marriage with someone who literally fell apart on me (from time to time) right after we married... and we're both young. How can she be paralyzed one day and then when all is well be fine again??