Wierd dreams about aliens taking over the world and attacking my family, why?


New member
Jul 28, 2010
when i was with my family on a regular day,

my family and i go outside to my backyard and we saw these race cars racing across the street. after i looked they had crashed and there was this big noise it sounded annoying, so i looked up to the sky & there was these 2 colored balls flying around they disappeared,and then fire balls like meteors hitting towards my house. then they disappeared, me and my family had climbed up a big tree near us.we all saw tall like,white alien at the bottom of the tree.
One question, do you watch Sci-Fi or Horror movies? because watching those (Especially late at night) could very well be the influence of a Nightmare. I'm not saying I know for sure that's what's causing the dream's, but I would consider it.