why would they be complaining or are they being controlling?


May 13, 2008
This person I started talking to online kind of started complaining about my pictures. I guess they felt they were too sexy and that I had other ones that they liked better and felt were 'more appropriate'. One was of me in a bikini, one was a short dress and she said she preferred the one with me wearing jeans and a tshirt. I'm not sure what to think of this...are they saying I look kind of trashy in the other photos or are they being jealous/overprotective???
lol I care because I have a crush and we might date
Really, on the internet. I would NOT be concerned what others think. None of those clothes were revealing except for the bikini which is acceptable in our society.

Ask her.."why are you complaining about my pictures?" and whatever answer she gives... just take it with a grain of salt. She could be jealous. Wear what you want.
Why even be concerned what anyone on the internet thinks?....

Really?...... Blink Blink.......


Does whom ever it is that is doing the complaining have some sort of Star Wars Jedi Mind control over you?.....

Who gives the slightest poop what there motivations are for telling you what they are telling you?...