Why would a non-Catholic Christian say that Catholics are lower than pagans?

People who are pretty low themselves, like to try and push people under them, to feel better. If there's any kind of fiery pit, anywhere, people like that are going to end up there, regardless of who they pray to.
For the Catholics :

"It has been known for centuries that the Vatican is "The Mother of Harlots" referred to by Christ in Revelation/Apocalypse chapter 17; which explains perfectly that it is that great CITY (Vatican CITY) that rules over the kings of the earth; that sits on 7 mountains (Rome), where the inhabitants wear SCARLET (cardinals) and PURPLE (bishops) decked with gold; precious stones and pearls and calls itself "Mother" church.

However, Christ calls her "Mother of Abominations"; his ENEMY and the great WHORE and He, NOT the pope, MUST be right.

For the Christians :

"The "so-called christian" religion, which in reality is the Babylonian MYSTERY Religion of Revelation/Apocalypse chapter 17, was started NOT by Simon Peter but by Simon Pater, "the sorceror" referred to in Acts 8 v 9, who was condemned by Simon Peter himself in Acts 8 v 20 and his new religion called "christianity"(the TRUE followers of Christ called themselves "Covenanters" or "Followers of The Way"), was condemned by Paul/Saul in his letters (Epistles) e.g. Galatians 1:6-7 etc., and 2 Thessalonians chapter 2; and by Christ Himself in Revelation/Apocalypse chapters 17 and 18."